
Python, What else ?


Hi there! I'm Cyril, a passionate French developer. Welcome to my website! 🙂 With over 18 years of experience in software development (yes, I’m getting older…), I created this website as a hub for tools and resources tailored to Python developers.

Feel free to explore, and check out my GitHub for some of my open-source projects. Here are some of my Open Source projects:

Mockae: A lightweight and flexible solution for simulating REST APIs. With Mockae, you can execute Lua code to create advanced testing scenarios. This tool is ideal for developers who want to test complex interactions without relying on a real backend.

Web GUI for SQLite: An intuitive web interface for SQLite, allowing users to view and manage databases directly from a browser. This tool simplifies SQLite database management without the need for third-party applications.

Web CSV Generator: An online test data generator. This tool quickly produces random data sets for testing and simulations, saving you the hassle of manually generating CSV files tailored to your use cases.

If you'd like to get in touch, please use the contact form below or send me an email at I strive to respond as quickly as possible, though it might take a few days at times.