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Obfuscating python

Python code

How to obfuscate Python code?

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use our Python obfuscator to protect your Python code:

Inputting Python code: In the Python editor, type, browse, or paste the Python code that you wish to obfuscate.

Initiating the obfuscation: Click on the "Convert" button below the editor to begin the process.

Retrieve the obfuscated code: Click on the 'copy to clipboard' button, 'Download file' button, or directly retrieve the obfuscated code from the editor.

Python Code Obfuscator

This Python obfuscator offers a solution for developers seeking to protect their Python code from unauthorized access or reverse engineering. By transforming the original code into a more complex and less readable version, it helps secure the intellectual property of your Python projects.

With just a few clicks, users can input their Python code, initiate the obfuscation process, and obtain the obfuscated code ready for deployment or distribution.

This tool uses Pyminifier, an open source (GPL-3.0 license) Python code minifier, obfuscator, and compressor.

Obfuscating Python code

Obfuscating Python code refers to the process of intentionally making the code difficult to understand, while still keeping it executable. The goal is usually to protect the intellectual property or to prevent others from easily reverse-engineering the code.

Here are the main principles of Python obfuscation.

Renaming variables and functions

Replace variables, functions, and class names with meaningless or random names. For example, user_name can become a, and get_data() might be renamed to b1().

# Original
def calculate_area(radius):
    return 3.14 * radius * radius

# Obfuscated
def a(b):
    return 3.14 * b * b

Removing comments and docstrings

Comments and docstrings provide helpful explanations for the code. Obfuscating the code removes these.

# Original
def add(a, b):
    This function adds two numbers
    return a + b

# Obfuscated (no comment or docstring)
def x(a, b):
    return a + b

Control flow obfuscation

You can modify the natural flow of execution by adding unnecessary loops, conditionals, or redundant code that doesn't change the behavior but makes it harder to understand.

# Original
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

# Obfuscated
def a(x, y):
    if x > 0:
        if y > 0:
            return x + y
            return x + y
        return x + y

There are many other principles, but the goal remains the same: to make the code difficult to understand, in order to complicate its modification or reproduction as much as possible.